I developed games for the Mattel including the Hotwheels and Barbie brands.
For Dr. Bones I did all scripting and most of the art.
Dr. Bones achieved about 3 million plays and is the #5 most popular game on Mattel site, of all game genres!
For Color Shifters Creatures I developed a reskin of Dr. Bones.
Color Shifters Creatures received 3.1 million plays!
Trailblazin’ Tricks and Barbie Stylin’ Ride are simple bike games with physics. Players try to collect all coins while doing tricks. The Barbie version also allows you to change your clothes as you earn new items.
Mattel live link for Dr. Bones:
Mattel Live link for Color Shifters:
Mattel Live link for Barbie Stylin’ Ride:
Mattel Live link for Trailblazin’ Tricks:
The map editor I made for Dr Bones and Color Shifters is here.